We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God our heavenly Father.
We believe Jesus is the only way sinful man has for reconciliation back to the Father, and thus salvation.
We have accepted Jesus as our savior and profess him Lord of our lives.
We strive to live our lives in service and submission to His Lordship.
We commit ourselves, and the business given us by God, back to Him, for His glory and for the benefit of the Kingdom of God, the Body of Christ.
We believe in ONE Body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the Head. We believe the Body transcends race, gender, denomination. We embrace the many differences in the Body understanding that we as It's parts each have unique value.
We commit to fellowship and serve together NOW as one Body. As such, we further commit to be intentional about reaching across racial, social, economical, and denominational lines within the Church.
Finally, It is our goal that none would perish, but that ALL would come to the knowledge and acceptance of the saving work of Christ Jesus. We commit ourselves to operating our businesses and living our lives in a way that lifts up our Lord Christ Jesus so that all men are drawn into the Kingdom.
"Get to know those who labor among you, . . . acknowledge and appreciate and respect them . . . those who warn and kindly reprove and exhort you." From 1 Thess. 5:12