About Biz By Faith
Biz By Faith was the ministry given to founder, Nancy Jordan, by God in 1999, in St. Louis, Missouri. From it's inception, Biz By Faith sought to encourage and support Christian entrepreneurs discouraged from pursuing the vision God placed in their heart because of exorbitant start-up fees, lack of support or inadequate direction. Click here to read more about the Biz By Faith story.
In addition to encouragement and support, it became apparent that there was also a strong need for connecting Christian small business owners to the Body of Christ, who are in need of that God-given vision. This need for connection is the reason behind the Biz By Faith Network, a database of Christian small businesses (or "Kingdom Companies"). Why St. Louis? The Biz By Faith Network defies man-imposed boundaries within the Body of Christ. We believe God chose St. Louis as its starting location in part because the area is particularly segmented along racial and socio-economical lines. These same divisions are seen even within the Church, in addition to further lines between denominations and even biases from one church house to the next. We believe Jesus is returning for ONE Church, which is the Body of Christ. Biz By Faith at its heart desires that we the Body come together now, in partnership, in worship, in unity. For this reason, one of Biz By Faith's core values is to be intentional about crossing lines within the Church. Click here for more about our Values and our Mission. Why Small Businesses? Biz By Faith is a ministry to Christian entrepreneurs and small business owners. There are countless large Christian businesses, however, that is not to whom we have been called. Likewise, Biz By Faith's primary focus is business. While small churches and ministries often do take advantage of our services, our Network database is solely comprised of Christian small businesses. Who is Biz By Faith Biz By Faith is itself a small business, consisting of a small group of dedicated staff and a host of partners, supporters and volunteers who assist us in the work of this ministry. Why isn't Biz By Faith a Non-Profit Corporation? From it's inception, Biz By Faith has operated as a ministry, offering most of its services free of charge or for donations. While we have continued and will continue in this vein, Biz By Faith did not incorporate as a non-profit, but instead as a limited liability company (LLC). Biz By Faith is directed by the leading of the Holy Spirit. We felt that as a non-profit organization we could be unduly influenced by the United States government. The Bible teaches that no man can serve two masters. Therefore, we did not want anything or anyone other than the Lord dictating to us how to operate Biz By Faith and manage its finances. God has been very clear that many of our services shall be a free-will offering to the Body. He has also made it clear that He will provide for the work of the ministry through our affordably priced offerings, by free-will gifts from those we serve and by other avenues as He provides. Good News to the Christian Small Business Owner If God gave you a vision for a business, we believe He is calling you to a specific purpose and has fully equipped and gifted you to fulfill His purpose. We also believe the scripture is true, that the gifts and callings of God are without repentance. Meaning, He did not make a mistake, and He is not going to change His mind. On the contrary! He is faithful to bring about the very thing He has spoken to your heart. God really does have a plan for every aspect of your life -- including your business. And as with every aspect of this Christian walk, we must walk by faith. Biz By faith exists to walk with you. Won't you walk with us?
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